Get Started
Creating Your Space
Spaces in Collinear AI provide a focused environment for developing, testing, and managing your AI models and datasets. Once you create a space, you’ll have access to a suite of tools that help you customize and refine models, manage data, and evaluate performance tailored to your organization’s specific needs.
From the Space dashboard, you can:
- Manage and evaluate your Conversation models.
- Create and iterate over Judges to enhance model performance.
- Create and manage conversations for testing conversational AI models.
- Generate synthetic data to enrich your training datasets.
- Upload, create, and organize datasets.
- Test and evaluate conversation models within real-time scenarios.
- Test and evaluate Judge models, iterating on them for improved accuracy.
- View performance metrics on the Judge leaderboard.
- Annotate data to improve model training and validation.
Select a name for your space. This name will be used to identify your space in the dashboard and API calls.
Creating a Space
The Create Your Space endpoint allows users to initialize a new space within your organization